Friday, 30 November 2012
Trolling first comment U MAD BRO?
I feel so honored to be the first comment. All of my hard-working dedication paid off. Getting the top comment has been a dream of mine for many years, and I would like to thank all of those would've helped me along the way. First and foremost I would like to thank God for giving me this opportunity. Next I would like to thank my parents. I would like to thank my cat Espresso, for being fat and their for me. I would also like to thank my pet tadpole for surviving against all odds for over a week. Next I would like to thank the squirrel my backyard for climbing trees because that gives me the inspiration I need to get through the day. This is a special moment in my life and I would like to thank any unmentioned friends and family that have helped me along the way. This moment will be a moment I will never forget. I just remembered a few other people I would like to thank; Facebook, the fish I caught in third grade, my light in my room because I wouldn't be able to see the keyboard without it, the Internet for letting me go on Facebook, my house because without it I would be homeless, and last but not least I would like to thank the people that actually took time out of their day to read this. I cannot stress how much of a big deal this is to me. I have been trying to be the first comment on a post for years, but that has not been possible until this amazing day. Hopefully my luck will continue, but this is undoubtedly a rare occasion. If you asked me how I did this, I would say, you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it. To all the kids out there reading this, I would like to tell them to follow their dreams. Being the top comment is amazing, thank you everyone.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Run a Marathon
Do you what to improve your run pace for 21 Kilometers? Here are some tips from the experts
Different Ways To Increase Adsense Revenue/Income/Profit
1. Niche
The first thing should be taken care of is the niche or say topic on which
you are making your blog. It directly affects your Adsense
CPC and choosing the right niche is your top priority. There are some
niche which earns your comparatively very high CPC. Here is a list I prepared
your guidance in decreasing order, high paying at top.
- Domains – Yahoo, Go Daddy pays very high CPC.
- Technology – iPhone, iPod etc.
- Google – Android & other products
- Microsoft – Windows, Office etc.
- Financial & Banking
- Real Estate
- Loans – Home, Vehicle etc.
- Jobs
- Dating & Social
2. Content
Most of the blogs will say ‘Content is the king’, yes the statement is very
much right but your content must answer reader’s query. Before writing a article
you must research what people are searching and come up with solution.
Engage with your blog readers and write more to keep them reading. Good
content can guarantee high Adsense CPC and loved by search
3. Page Rank
Google ranks your website or its pages from 1 to 10. Pages with rank above 4,
PR 5 or 6 will give you high paying ads. It directly means more high quality ads
will appear on your blog.
This can increase your Adsense CPC from 10 cents to 40-50+ cents. So you must
focus on quality improvements of your blog.
4. Reading Platform
People read your blog from various platforms such as desktop PC, laptop,
iPad, mobile etc. Reading platform don’t affects CPC much but we must still
focus on targeting more readers. Though most of the readers are using desktop
PCs or laptops.
Ads shown on mobile devices are of very high quality and can increase your
Adsense CPC rate. Just like GizmoKick if your website is running on WordPress
you can use WP Touch plugin to make mobile version of your website and Adsense
ads on your site will be mobile optimized.
5. Placement
Another major reason affecting your Adsense CPC is the placements of ads on
your blog. Where will you be able to meet highest CPC? Do as follows:
- 2 Ads on your blog post – 336 x 280 rectangle below post title & 468 x60 between the blog post.
- 1 on the sidebar – 300 x 250 on the right sidebar.
You can always experiments with ad units placement depending on the type of
blog. Hobby bloggers or personal bloggers must focus more on quality content
where as professional bloggers can optimize and place as many ads as possible.
Mostly you will earn highest Adsense CPC from ad placements inside the blog
6. Ad Review Center
Ad Review Center is a Google Adsense section where you can see which group is
paying you how much. If any group paying you very less, you may block it. You
should block categories which are not related to your blog type. Lets say for a
technology blog like Gizmo Kick you can block categories like travel, religion,
dating etc. This will for sure boost your Adsense CPC and revenue.
7. Competitive Ad Filter
Competitive Ad Filter is another section in Google Adsense which can block
specific or general ads on your blog. We can block them for all domains in our
account or for a single domain. So it will boost your CPC by blocking specific
8. Country
Country is a major factor in boosting your Adsense CPC. It varies from one
country to another. When we get an ad clicked from USA we get @2-4 while from
India it will be like 10-30 cents.
Though English speakers are highest in the world so we must make blog based
on English language. It will boost you page rank as well. Must keep in mind the
target country of your blog.
9. Ad Formats
To get highest CTR(Click Through Rate) you must use text-based ads. If you
try both text & image ads you will get more CPC but image ads are less
preferred because they get less CTR and CPC. Still it depends on your niche and
blog type so keep experimenting.
10. Keep Experimenting
As I said earlier in this article that you must keep experimenting. It will
definitely pay you higher revenues. Read Google Adsense center to learn more
latest in Google Adsense trends.
How to Become a Millionaire Before 30
So your ambition in life is to be a millionaire before you turn 30! Fabulous.
It’s a great ambition. It is not difficult,
but it is not that easy either, as you might very well know. There are many
routes that people take to become a millionaire – betting on horses, gambling,
investing in real estate, winning a lottery, becoming an entrepreneur. Some rely
on luck while some work hard for it. Luck is fleeting, rare, but hard work pays,
hundred percent. So, how do you become a millionaire? Here’s
Earnings from your job
Obviously you need a steady stream of income
to build your million. The more money you earn, the quicker the journey to your
milestone will be. But that doesn’t mean you can get there on a Government
salary. It has to be substantial.
Know your limits
You have to know your limits. You obviously
cannot spend more than you make. That’s a financial suicide. If you can’t afford
to buy that Sedan, don’t. Buy a hatch. If you can’t afford to eat at fancy
restaurants, start cooking at home. If traveling by your vehicle is expensive,
switch to public transport. You don’t have to turn into a pauper, just practice
smart living. Quit getting magazines you don’t read; get rid of the internet
connection if you don’t use it that often. You use it at work anyway. Switch to
prepaid connection if you’re on a postpaid mobile plan. Get rid of that credit
card so you never get tempted into buying stuff on an impulse. When you shop,
shop in bulk. Quit buying the newest gadgets. Basically, live a lifestyle that
you can afford.
Save Money
Just making money won’t suffice. You need a
savings plan. Don’t leave it for too late. The longer you save the more money
you will end up with. Don’t think of saving after you’ve paid all your bills.
Set aside a percentage of your salary every week or every month and put that
money into a separate account and refrain from getting an ATM card. That way you
will think twice before withdrawing money.
Make good investments
Make sound investment decisions. Listen to
news, read the papers, talk to knowledgeable people and seek their advice on
investments. You can even seek services of an investment agency. Invest in a
diversified portfolio and be consistent. Maybe a systematic investment plan or
SIP. You can even look at mutual funds, stocks, shares etc. Make sure you have
the ability to take risks because you will win some and you will lose some. Buy
land or gold or flats if you have that kind of cash. It will appreciate over a
period of time and you can sell it off later to make a good
Start your own business
You can turn into an entrepreneur even,
investing your money into growing your business. If the idea is good and you’re
a good manager, you will be able to make quite a bit of money. Always keep
looking at avenues to increase your income.
Your hobby could make you rich
If you have a hobby like stamp collection or
comic books collection (in mint condition), antiques or original paintings, or
any collector’s items. They could fetch a great amount if you decide to auction
Get married
By marrying a working woman, you not only
double your salary but also your savings.
Becoming a millionaire is not easy, or else
all of us would be one. It is tough. It needs planning and perseverance. If
you’re willing to put in hard work over a period of time, you will be
Gym Goers
been to this gym for several months. I had enrolled myself since we have a
corporate discount and i haven't had engaged to any sports.
You can
go to any gym if you want to become lean and fit.
It’s the
gym-goer himself, not the gym, that determines whether he reaches his fitness
goal or not.
At first
month, I was very enthusiast to improve my workout especially my stamina. I
remembered, i'd been catching up my breath for just 1KM of run. Hahahaha. not a
typical myself when I was at my teenager age.
The good
thing for corporate accounts is that you're membership is not locked for a
certain months or year. Also, you're not forced to enroll every month. Aside
from that, you can use all the equipment go to classes, steam/sauna bath,
locker for unlimited time while you're a member to all of its
Due to
lack of money, I don't have a personal trainer. Well, even though I can, I'd
rather do my own program. You just have to have a good discipline within
yourself and lots of programs can be found over the internet.
I have
already visited 3 of its branches and I personally can say that Munoz branch has
a better equipment. Well, because it's one of the newest branches
I've been visiting this branch in Makati due to its convenience from my
workplace. Equipment are still quite good and can be easily used. No need for
further assistance since directions can be seen somewhere on
the equipment.
I only
have unusual complain for this gym. I really once heard that gym is the gay
I had 3
outrageous encounters for this sexual advances.
My first
encounter was, It was my second time in sauna and i really don't know whats the
use of that water beside the heater. hahaha, I even washed my hands. So there
was this visitor, a fat and not so tall guy. I just thought he's an executive
due to his fluency in speaking. While I admire him that the fact he enrolled
himself to a gym to enhance his body built. I that day I made all those
impression wrong.
started talking and he asked me everything about myself. I don't know what he's
on to.
As the
more leaner and i believe i had improved my stamina to stay at the sauna, he
went out to cooldown himself and took a bath then he went back inside. Our
conversation go on but this time he was asking a deeper about myself such as
where do i work, live, hobbies, etc. Our conversation was cut short when another
guy entered the room. Then he went off to cooldowm himself again.
Then he
went back again. However, I was satisfied on the sweat i took off so i go out
and took a bath.
that, at the locker, i noticed him he's already finished his bath. Then he
started giving me some advise.
I really
don't know what to say. There were several people who's staring at
I just
replied back then move out as quickly as I can.
second encounter was, there were 2 of them. I noticed someone was looking at the
glass door of the sauna before I take a bath then use the sauna(as proper
when i finished my bath and went in the sauna, no one was there. So i just sat
back relax and let my sweat come off.
Suddenly, 2 guys came in. I noticed the one with
tatoos, he was the one staring at the door. The other one sat at the lower bench
of the sauna. I was at the higher bench.
This guy
no.2. started staring at me. The no.1 guy seems to do what i noticed on him. And
i really thought he's guarding on something i really don't know.
The guy
no.2 then initiated the conversation. And I noticed it's all just about myself
elevated himself to the bench where i sat. The conversation go on until he
touched my biceps, chest and calves.
thought it was a friendly tease that every body parts were improving. Then, the
no.1 guy went out to cooldown himself.
Suddenly, the conversation changed into untoward
topic. He then asked me to make out of him. What in the hell was
And with
a guy?! No way!!! All I just want to do is to relax and sweat all the toxins in
my body.
Then he
started to jackoff himself. He just stopped when the guy no.1 came
Then guy
no.2 came out to cooldown himself. I stayed to maximized the sauna used. Then,
guy no.1 asked me what was the guy no.2 was talking about. I just told him
everything what he's asking for me. He said he do that all the time. I was
really surprised! He knew the guy but he just met him in the gym.
The guy
no.2 came in and still insist what he wants but i refused. Suddenly, he started
to jack off himself again then he started a conversation with guy no.1. The guy
no. 1 stayed at the near the door and started looking out. He then gave tips to
guy no.2 who might get in to the sauna bath while the guy no.2 still jacking
Guy no.2
was so aggressive so I just went out and took a bath. So I fixed
third was just recently, well, that time there were 2 of them again and they
came out to cool down themselves. The smell of sauna was bad. It was not the
typical smell of wood.
One guy
started staring at me. I just played with my keys just to divert my attention
but i can't help it when his arm was trying to get near on me. Not more than a
minute I went of the room then took a bath.
After I
fixed myself. I reported them to the personnel at the lobby. Well,he felt sorry
about what happened and told me they will do something about it.
I really
don't deprive the gay people. In fact, I have gay friends and other sectors of
but come
on.. they should respect the place. It's a sacred place for gym goers to enjoy
and relax. But with that kind of enjoyment. They better do that on the private
Now, i
come to realize that most of them cruise at sauna/steam bath and wait their luck
to do their untoward conduct which why they always cool down themselves so they
can stay longer on that heated room.
learned that this is also happening to other gyms. Well, please don't disturb
others who really want to tone their bodies.
Cybercrime Law
Cybercrime Law in favor or just junk it?! Digital Martial Law has come
It's time for us to think, before we click :)
in case you haven't read the law here's the link
so are you willing to post or comment just like this?
[ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ʙʟᴏᴄᴋᴇᴅ.] (ʀᴀ ɴᴏ. 10175)
Senator Tito Sotto proudly owned up to the
fact that he was responsible for inserting the libel clause into the law.
Senator Chiz Escudero called the insertion a "mistake" and has said that he'll
move to have the law repealed. Meanwhile, Senator TG Guingona (along with the
other senators who didn't back the law) continues to be against the law. For its
part, Malacañang said President Noynoy Aquino thoroughly reviewed the law before
he affixed his signature to it—a fact which strikes some people as strange. There are those who have
remarked that if P-Noy's father, Ninoy, was still around, he probably be among
those protesting what has come to be called as "cyber martial
For the record, the following senators voted
to pass the law:
- Sen. Tito Sotto
- Sen. Bong Revilla
- Sen. Manny Villar
- Sen. Lito Lapid
- Sen. Koko Pimentel
- Sen. Jinggoy Estrada
- Sen. Loren Legarda
- Sen. Chiz Escudero
- Sen. Ping Lacson
- Sen. Gringo Honasan
- Sen. Pia Cayetano
- Sen. Bongbong Marcos
- Sen. Ralph Recto
Credits to
Please visit the link for more details
In favor?
most of the people are against it. But somehow, there are also people who welcome the law peacefully.
Republic Act No. 10175 / CYBERCRIME LAW will be implemented starting tomorrow, Oct 03, 2012.
Make sure you dont offend anybody by your posts (words, photos, videos, songs, selling fakes) , shares, retweets and comments or you will be facing 12 years in jail and $25,000 fine. *
Psuedo accounts wont help you either, PNP Anti-Transnational and Cyber Crime division (ATCCD) has sets of equipment comparable or even more sophisticated / latest than other cyber crime units in the world courtesy of US State's Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program (ATAP). The unit has also cybercrime investigators trained by ATAP. They can locate you wherever you are.
There's nothing wrong with shutting up and cleaning your page people.
I welcome a peaceful and positive online atmosphere with open arms. so Haters, its time for you to go offline :p
Please visit the link for more details
In favor?
most of the people are against it. But somehow, there are also people who welcome the law peacefully.
Republic Act No. 10175 / CYBERCRIME LAW will be implemented starting tomorrow, Oct 03, 2012.
Make sure you dont offend anybody by your posts (words, photos, videos, songs, selling fakes) , shares, retweets and comments or you will be facing 12 years in jail and $25,000 fine. *
Psuedo accounts wont help you either, PNP Anti-Transnational and Cyber Crime division (ATCCD) has sets of equipment comparable or even more sophisticated / latest than other cyber crime units in the world courtesy of US State's Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program (ATAP). The unit has also cybercrime investigators trained by ATAP. They can locate you wherever you are.
There's nothing wrong with shutting up and cleaning your page people.
I welcome a peaceful and positive online atmosphere with open arms. so Haters, its time for you to go offline :p
Why Good Employees Leave?
A study came up with this surprising finding: If you're losing good people, look to their immediate supervisor. More than any other single reason, he is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he's the reason why they quit, taking their knowledge, experience and contacts with them. Often, straight to the competition.
"People leave managers not companies," write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
"So much money has been thrown at the challenge of keeping good people - in the form of better pay, better perks and better training - when, in the end, turnover is mostly a manager issue.
"If you have a turnover problem, look first to your managers and supervisors.
Beyond a point, an employee's primary need has less to do with money, and more to do with how he's treated and how valued he feels. Much of this depends directly on the immediate manager.
-David W. Richard
Comelec Voter Registration
Have you registered as a voter yet
for the 2013 Philippine Election?
Register now and let your vote be
counted for the 2013 midterm election.
I passed two elections because i
failed to registered. Even though there was a satellite registration, I was too
lazy to wait in line because I believe that Government has poor processes.
(nothing new)
Earlier this month, I successfully
registered myself as a voter in Comelec Quezon City in the compound of Quezon
City Hall. Falling in line will be a test of your patience.
Before I go to the office, I made
sure I knew what I was supposed to bring. (todo search sa net ng
Unfortunately, at 1PM comelec
office just closed. WTH?!? i asked the election officer and he said, the
operation is suspended due to electrical failure in the office. Operation will
resume tomorrow to allow the meralco to fix it the whole day. But the other
offices have electricity. Why they don't have other options to continue the
operation. How bout those people who left their work and other important things
to do just to be registered that day. Well, even though there are valid
arguments, i knew i wont ever win in the Government's policies.
The next day, I woke up early to
get in comelec because i was expecting a long queue. First, i called their
office just to check whether they are open or not. Luckly, they said they are
What to do.
1. A first-time voter needs any of
these valid identification cards:
Company ID
Postal ID
Student’s ID
Driver’s License
PRC License
The ID presented SHOULD have your
name, picture, and address in the city or municipality you plan to register in.
MUch better if Barangay name is listed.
Have a photo copy of your ID ready
to be submitted to the COMELEC Election Officer.
If your ID is without an address,
any proof of billing will do (be sure to bring the original and the photocopy).
According to the COMELEC Election Officer, I’ve had the chance to talk to, bills
don’t necessarily need to be addressed to the voter. They just need to verify
your present address to make sure you really live there. Hence, you can bring
your electric, water, or phone bill (which are usually under your parents’
name), have them photocopied for the COMELEC’s archive.
If you are yet to be 18 but will
turn 18 before the election period, you should bring an original copy and a
photocopy of your birth certificate.
2. Go to the Comelec Office at your
local city or municipal hall during regular office hours (Mondays to Fridays,
from 8am to 5pm). However, lately, the COMELEC has opened its doors for Saturday
registrations especially for those who have conflicts with their work schedules.
Some areas have also satellite registrations.
3. Before you are given a COMELEC
registration form (CEF-1A), the election officer will verify if you have
registered in the past.
I waited 1 and a half hour in line
just to pass my requirements. There are bunch of people who doesn't know how to
get in line. Also, there's only one election officer who checks your documents.
Not really surprised how the line turned out to be blockbuster.
4. Once cleared, you will be given
the CEF-1A (white form) to fill-out with stamped that you're
You can also download your own copy
from the Commission on Elections website. However, you need to pass this along
with your photo copied ID because at interviewed area, they require stamped
documents which means your name is cleared.
5. Fill out the first page of the
form and hand it to the election officer. They will check if all the information
were filled out and correct. Then, they will classify which precint you will be
6. Next will be COMELEC’s data
capturing or biometrics desk for your signature, thumb mark, and
Good thing these people who operate
looks like fresh graduates and really fast enough to do their jobs. Processing
here just took me less than 2 minutes.
7. You will then be given an
acknowledgement receipt, which you have to keep as proof of your
I was so excited to go home that i
failed to asked how shall i get my voter's ID.
I searched the net and some says
that it will took 2 more years before i get it..
Oh, that's how the government
Be part of the Philippines. Let
your vote count in!
Tuwing election lang nagiging
pantay pantay ang mga Pilipino.
Plant a tree. Save on Tax!!!
Is this a fair deal?
A lawmaker in the House of Representatives wants a law that allows realty tax incentives for areas where trees have been deliberately planted.
Bohol Rep. Erico Aumentado filed House Bill No. 6461, which proposes a seven-year tax incentive on realty tax for "trees as improvement on the land".
Aumentado explained the suggested bill will hopefully encourage land owners to plant trees. This, as some land owners are actually reluctant to plant trees for fear that the trees will also be taxable due to their value as part of land improvement.
“Trees planted in private and public lands shall be declared free from taxation or government fees within a period of seven years,” the bill stated.
“(This is) to allow the planters time to care, nourish and maintain the growth of trees until they reach the commercial value stage thereof,” it added.
Aumentado also proposed the same for trees planted in watershed areas to accelerate the reforestation that will support potable drinking water, as well as hydro-electric power and irrigation facilities.
The lawmaker claimed that slow reforestation of lands in the country has been caused by lack of support from national and governments.
"It has been noted that the local government units, in more cases than not, have imposed high realty taxes on trees as improvement of the taxable land which discouraged land owners to plant forestal or even fruit bearing trees thereon because of exorbitant taxation," Aumentado said.
He acknowledged trees are vital to the environment and can serve as flood control, typhoon breakers, even tidal buffers that mitigate the impact of tidal action in the shorelines.

Reclaiming public property from the clutches of traditional politicians. This page is a venue for the public to share photos of PUBLIC SERVANTS who've displayed their names or images in public places in furtherance of their careers.
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